Halloween Safety for Pets
Halloween is a time of fun for us. However, we often forget to consider our furry little friends during our party-prep. Halloween safety for pets is often last on the list of to-do items. Pet owners tend to ignore how a simple night where everyone just seem to have fun, can affect their pets. Animals are sensitive and very receptive to vibes; they are easily stimulated and can get startled within an instant. Given the nature of Halloween, there is often too much going on for your pets to take in and still remain calm. As such, we’d like to offer some tips for Halloween safety for pets. We’d like to help you keep your pet happy and out of danger.
Candy Can Be Poison to Animals
Do not feed your dog or your cat any candy. It might seem like nothing but it can be poison for your pet. Feeding chocolate to your pet can give them diarrhea, disrupt their breathing, cause a seizure and in extreme cases, even cause death. Make sure you do not feed the treats to your pet, and let your friends and family know they should refrain from doing so. Make a tag with ‘no pet feeding’ written over it put it outside your door so the kids around the block would refrain from doing so.
Let’s Not Put a Tutu on Your Pet
We understand how you cannot wait to put on your Halloween costume on, but putting one on your pet should be reconsidered. Animals do not feel the same way about clothes as we do. They are more relaxed when they are how they naturally are, in their own skin. If you must dress them up, make sure the costume is loose, airy and breathable for your pet. Also, make sure the fabric is not irritating for their skin otherwise they would simply chew off the costume.
Do Not Let the Dog Out!
With all the noise and hoo-hah going on outside, it is very likely that your pet can get startled and spooked in between all that. Cats and dogs can go into shock if they see something uncomfortable. Moreover, there are always kids in your neighborhood who cannot seem to leave your pet alone. Keep your pet inside so the chances of your pet getting in their hands are reduced to none.
Keep the Lights Away from Your Pets
Ensuring that wires and decorative objects are away from your pet’s reach is important this time of year. Otherwise, it is possible they can get tangled up in them, chew them off, or get quite the shock.
Make Sure Your Pet Can Return Home
No matter how careful you are, there are always chances of your pet getting loose or getting lost. Which is why having a pet i.d. along with your address around their neck is important. This way, even if such thing happens, they can always be returned home. You can also put a tracking chip inside the i.d. so they always remain on your watch.